Jan Gutkuhn ist Director Emerging Technologies und Partner bei DEPT®, einer globalen Marketing- und Technologieagentur. Außerdem ist er Mitgründer des ersten digitalen Festivals für Web3 und das Metaverse, dem Meta Festival. Jan arbeitet seit 20 Jahren an der Schnittstelle von Kreativität und Technologie und unterstützt Marken bei der Umsetzung bahnbrechender digitaler Projekte. Seine immersiven Web3- und KI-Projekte für Marken wie H&M, AboutYou und Cosnova wurden mit zahlreichen internationalen Awards ausgezeichnet.
🇬🇧 At the end of 2023, DEPT® and international beauty brand essence began developing a strategy for a new brand touchpoint: a virtual assistant. To be more precise, an AI-enabled virtual assistant called Kenna. Kenna's goal is to be the enabler, connector, and cheerleader for the essence community. With her ability to give advice, she can help customers learn about and explore new products and beauty trends in a fun, easy way. As a new conversational layer in essence’s experience strategy, she will become integral to multiple channels, including website, social, events, and POS. To bring Kenna to life, DEPT® collaborated with the award winning creative technologist Christian Lutz-Weicken. For this ambitious project, we combined multiple technologies, making it one of the first prototypes that gives AI a face, voice, and body. In our talk, we'll give you a technical overview and discuss the project's goal, pitfalls and status quo. 🇬🇧 This session will be in English.